Tips to Get your Shed Ready for the Spring and Summer Months

Spring is here. Birds are chirping… It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Spring is all about blooming and blossoming. The birds begin to sing, flowers blossom, gardens begin to bear fruit and there is a continual smell of fresh cut grass and barbecue smoke. It’s one of my favorite times of the year.
Now is the time to get your backyard shed ready for spring and summer. Yard work and gardening is made all the more enjoyable when you aren’t struggling with your shed’s organization, constantly looking for things or stepping over tools to find what you need.
So, let’s get your shed organized and cleaned up!

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Tips to Cleaning & Organizing Your Shed for Spring

Organize your shed now for easier access during the spring and summer months.
1. Move Seasonal items to the back of your shed.
Over the Fall and Winter you probably moved all your holiday decorations to the front of your shed. Now is the time to pack up all of that decor and move it to the back or into another storage area like your garage or attic, if you have room.
2. Make tools and equipment easy to access.
Next up, make sure that all your gardening tools are easily accessible. After you have pulled all your tools out, inspect them to make sure they are in good shape. Does anything need tightening or cleaning? Is anything rusty or need to be replaced? Getting your tools in shape is a big part of your Spring shed cleaning process.
3. Reinforce any hooks or hangings you have inside your shed.
Might as well do that while you are inspecting your tools to make sure nothing falls on the floor or bonks you on the head!
4. Organize your shelves.
When organizing, it’s a good rule of thumb to put like with like, and put things together that go together. For instance, put all your pots together and nearby, find a good spot for seeds and watering cans. Bags of dirt should be placed on bottom shelves or on the ground.
5. Cleaning and Pest Control

Rats! A clean shed is a pest free shed. Try not to attract unwanted pests like this creature…
It’s always a good idea to give your shed’s floors a good sweeping and even mopping if they are extra grimy. Clean the windows so they sparkle. The cleaner your shed is, the more likely you will feel good about doing your yard work and won’t avoid your backyard shed.
5. Check for evidence of Pests…
After you’ve cleaned up, you’ll want to inspect your shed for evidence of pests. Backyard sheds are a popular nesting place for pests over the cold winter months. Look for holes in the walls and fill them up. Set traps if need be and clean up any droppings that may have accumulated.
6. Clean the Outside of your Shed too!
Once you’ve given the inside of your shed a good cleaning, make sure you clean up the outside too!
Clear any branches that may be blocking your path. Scrub the outer portion of the windows and walls. Give your flower boxes a good cleaning so you are ready to plant some flowers. And make sure you clean up any garden areas around the shed by weeding and clearing some ground for fresh planting.
7. Check Your Electricity
If your shed has electricity, now is a good time to replace light bulbs and check all your outlets. Spring is a good time to fix any electrical issues while it’s warm outside. It’s no fun to get into the middle of winter and be inside your shed only to find that you don’t have any electricity for your heating needs.
A Clean & Pest Free Shed is the Only Way to Be!
Now that you’ve got your shed organized, cleaned and pest free, you can start the fun of gardening. It’s always better to start with a clean shed. Congratulate yourself on a job well done.

Spring into action and get your shed cleaned out and ready for the summer months. Thanks to this guide, it should be easy and fun!