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Storage Shed Tips for Survivalists

Storage Shed Tips for Survivalists

If you want to stock up on your favorite foods, a storage shed might be the ideal solution.

Although many of our customers use their storage shed for the standard bikes/lawnmowers/gardening tools storage, another popular storage use is for long-term survival.

There are many reasons to stock up on food, gear, and water. Fear of emergencies like: disruption in social/political order; natural disasters; anthropogenic disasters like chemical spills/nuclear release or war; collapse of society due to lack of resources; economic collapse; pandemic; or apocalypse, all give some the impetus to keep a storage shed fully stocked.

Top 10 Survival Food Storage Practices:

  1. 1. Common survivalist knowledge: “Buy what you eat, eat what you store.” Why not store what you eat in a storage shed?
  2. 2. Rotate based on longevity. The standard length of storage times depends on the food. Some foods will last up to six months or a year. Some will last up to 20/30 years. Typically, on hand for food storage are things like: whole grain wheat and rice (when properly packaged can last up to 30 years); beans; nuts; macaroni; dried fruits; potato flakes; oats; packaged freeze dried food; non-fat dried milk.
  3. 3. Label contents with expiration dates.
  4. 4. Use see through bins.
  5. 5. Package properly to extend longevity and protect from pests.
  6. 6. Use dry ice fumigation to protect from pests.
  7. 7. Stock up on MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). These come with an eight-year shelf life when stored between 33-50 degrees Fahrenheit.
  8. 8. To cover the basics, stock up on these 10 foods: rice, beans, cornmeal, lard, salt, white and brown sugar, and canned meat, fruit and veggies. Rotate regularly.
  9. 9. Stock up on at least one year’s supply of food.
  10. 10. Don’t store everything in one spot.


Store at least one gallon per person per day in a storage shed. National organizations like FEMA recommend that all people have at least a three day supply of water in case of emergency. But survivalists disagree with the three day rule and recommend a bare minimum of two-week supply, for drinking, cooking and nominal washing. Most recommend a several-month supply.

Water storage is simple enough. Clean some plastic or glass jugs thoroughly.

  1. 1. Sanitize with bleach or other preferred sanitation method.
  2. 2. Once you’ve sanitized, fill them up. You may wish to wear latex gloves to preserve your sanitation. Add two small drops of liquid chlorine bleach to each water jug.
  3. 3. Date the outside.
  4. 4. Store in  cool dark place. Find a good spot in your shed underneath some shelves and in the coolest spot inside the shed.
  5. 5. Rotate every six months.

Other options for water storage include buying a 55 gallon food grade storage bin or buying commercially bottled water and storing it. Stored water should last easily for six months and potentially up to a year if stored properly.

Sheds can Store your Most Common Gear

Some of the most common gear that survivalists keep on hand can be stored in your food-storage-sheds-200x150 storage shed and some may be stored in a bug out bag or cache kit.

  • – Items for shelter – blankets, trash bags, thermals.
  • – Fire-making – matches, flint and steel, magnifying glass, firewood.
  • – Water – sterilizing tablets, filter, canteen.
  • – Ways to forage for food – fish-hooks and line, snare wire, slingshot.
  • – Cooking utensils – aluminum foil, cooking pot, can opener, utensils firewood.
  • – Medical equipment – first-aid kit.
  • – Tools – knives, Swiss army knife, machete.
  • – Navigation – compass and topographical map of your area.
  • – Light –flashlights, headlamps and batteries, oil lamps.
  • – Ropes and cords – fishing line, dental floss.
  • – Repairing materials – sewing kit, duct tape, crazy glue.
  • – Protection – guns and ammunition, pepper spray, knives, clubs, bats, slingshots
  • – Generator
  • – Portable toilets
  • – Baby supplies
  • – Feminine hygiene supplies
  • – Alcohol and chocolate

The lists could go on and on. There are several good survivalist websites that have more thorough information.

However, you store your items, be ready and be prepared!

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