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How to Make a Shed An Extension of Your Home

How to Make a Shed An Extension of Your Home

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Your backyard shed is sitting out there, right now, possibly detracting from the beauty of your home. Maybe it needs a new paint job. Or maybe it simply doesn’t match the exterior of your home. It doesn’t have to be this way! Make your shed an extension of your home. There are many ways that you can give your backyard shed a much needed lift and one way to do this is to match it to your home, making it an extension. This can add beauty, value, and charm to your home. Give your home and shed added visibility. Making your shed an extension of your home can be a fun project that takes your backyard to whole new level of enjoyment.


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Ways to Make Your Shed an Extension of Your Home

There are plenty of ways that you can make your shed an attractive extension of your home. Matching paint jobs or matching shingles; landscaping your shed to match the landscaping in your yard; add matching exterior lights; add a window and matching shutters; or add accessories such as a cupola, a weather vane, matching door trim, flower boxes or hanging baskets.cupola_and_weathervane-e1406055458843 In addition to matching your shed’s accessories to your home’s, you can also add decorative pieces to your shed like welcome mats and outdoor clocks. Pick up a cute welcome mat like this on Etsy: shed-300x238 Or make matching painted welcome mats for your shed and home from this DIY tutorial: diy13   In Between the House and Shed

Once you’ve added designer accessories to your shed, the final touch should be connecting the two somehow. One way is to do this with a stone or brick pathway in between the house and shed.


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Adding On To Your Shed

Making your shed an extension of your home doesn’t just have to be on the surface. Use your shed as an extra bedroom or guest home, by adding some windows and a deck to make it feel more roomy. Even if you don’t want to run plumbing and electricity, it can be just as good as a guest bedroom for folks who prefer to stay close by, but not too close by.


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Your shed can also be used for more short-term entertaining. Make your shed area a fun place to have a dinner party or just use it for regular, old family dinner. You’ll enjoy “eating out” near your shed with this set up!


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Using your shed for extra room nearby your house can make your home seem BIGGER. It will also be attractive to your friends and family members, making you a popular host for parties and get-togethers. A shed area can also be a great place to add an extra patio for summer nights and barbecues! Or just an extra spot for gathering the family for game night.


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Your Shed Can Add Value to Your Home

Just having a garden shed doesn’t necessarily do much for the value of your home. But when you make it an attractive part of your home, rather than just an extra storage space, suddenly the shed becomes part of the value of your home. Value isn’t always added in monetary terms. But in this case, it just might be if you’re trying to sell your house. Consider adding your shed to part of your design plans next time you redecorate your home and watch your home become a way more desirable place for you and all those around you.

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