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Why Use Severe Weather Paint on Your Backyard Shed
It might be trendy to have distressed furniture, but who wants a distressed shed when it’s supposed to be protecting your tools and other equipment?

Wood Shed Maintenance Tips you Can Count On
Wouldn’t life be great if we didn’t have to exercise to maintain our health, or change the oil in our car every 3,000 miles? Of course it would. But in...

Do You Need Building Permits for Sheds?
Getting a storage shed for your backyard is relatively easy. Even though a shed may only take up 200 to 800 cubic feet of space, many regions require a building...

How to Level Ground for a Shed
Finding the right shed for your storage needs is the fun part. However, a common question we hear is how to prepare the ground for a shed installation? No matter...

Talk to a Shed Expert
If you’re wondering about which shed is right for you or any other details before you buy, we have experts ready to help.